#ifndef SABRE_SVO_H
#define SABRE_SVO_H

#include <vector>
#include <stdio.h>

#include "sabre.hh"
#include "vecmath.hh"

using packed_snorm3 = u32;

static constexpr u32 SBR_NODES_PER_BLK = 16384;
static constexpr u32 SBR_FAR_PTRS_PER_BLK = 16384;

              "Far Ptrs Per Blk must be >= Entries per Blk");

struct svo_block;
struct svo;

typedef vm::vec3 (*data_sampler_fn)(vm::vec3, const svo* const, const void* const);
typedef bool (*shape_sampler_fn)(vm::vec3, vm::vec3, const svo* const, const void* const);

struct shape_sampler
    const void* const UserData;
    const shape_sampler_fn SamplerFn;

struct data_sampler
    const void* const UserData;
    const data_sampler_fn SamplerFn;

enum sbr_surface

struct far_ptr
    // Index of the child node's block
    u32 BlkIndex;

    // Which slot in the child block the 
    // particular child node resides at
    u32 NodeOffset;

struct attrib_data
    u32 VoxelKey;
    packed_snorm3 PackedNormal;
    packed_snorm3 PackedColour;

    // Annoying, but we need the attrib data to have a constructor for emplace_back
    constexpr inline attrib_data(u32 K, packed_snorm3 PN, packed_snorm3 PC) : VoxelKey(K), PackedNormal(PN), PackedColour(PC) {}

enum svo_blk_flags
    SVO_BLK_LEAKY = 0x000001

union alignas(4) svo_node
        u8  LeafMask;
        u8  OccupiedMask;
        u16 ChildPtr;

    u32 Packed;

struct svo_bias
    f32 InvScale;
    u32 Scale;

typedef struct svo_block
    usize       NextFreeSlot;
    usize       NextFarPtrSlot;
    u32         Index;
    svo_block*  Prev;
    svo_block*  Next;
    svo_node    Entries[SBR_NODES_PER_BLK];
    far_ptr     FarPtrs[SBR_FAR_PTRS_PER_BLK];
} packed_data svo_block;

struct svo
    // How many total blocks are used in the tree.
    u32 UsedBlockCount;

    // The maximum depth of the svo to traverse
    u32 MaxDepth;

    // Extant of the octree in world space.
    u32 ScaleExponent;

    // Required to maintain subtree-scale values as
    // integers. 
    // In the case that MaxDepth >= ScaleExponent, the
    // scale values of the subtrees will become fractional
    // values. This scale factor must first be applied to
    // the entire tree scale so that the smallest extant
    // of any child region is 1. Remember to divide by this
    // value when doing any space-operations!
    svo_bias Bias;

    // Last block of nodes in this tree
    // NOTE(Liam): Warning! This field is volatile and unsafe
    // to use; it is frequently modified by the implementation
    // and probably not a good way to achieve much of anything
    // besides tree construction!
    svo_block* LastBlock;

    // First block of nodes in this tree
    svo_block* RootBlock;

    std::vector<attrib_data> AttribData;

extern vm::vec3
GetNearestFreeSlot(vm::vec3 RayOrigin, vm::vec3 Dir, const svo* const Tree);

extern vm::vec3
GetNearestLeafSlot(vm::vec3 RayOrigin, vm::vec3 Dir, const svo* const Tree);

extern "C" void
InsertVoxel(svo* Tree, vm::vec3 P);

extern "C" void
DeleteVoxel(svo* Tree, vm::vec3 P);

extern "C" svo_bias
ComputeScaleBias(u32 MaxDepth, u32 ScaleExponent);

extern "C" void
DeleteScene(svo* Tree);

extern "C" svo*
ImportGLBFile(u32 MaxDepth, const char* const GLBPath);

extern "C" svo*
CreateScene(u32 ScaleExp,
            u32 MaxDepth,
            shape_sampler* SurfaceFn,
            data_sampler* NormalFn,
            data_sampler* ColourFn);

extern "C" void
OutputSvoToFile(const svo* const Svo, FILE* FileOut);

extern "C" unsigned int
GetSvoUsedBlockCount(const svo* const Svo);

extern "C" unsigned int
GetSvoDepth(const svo* const Svo);

static inline void
DEBUGPrintVec3(vm::vec3 V)
    printf("(%f, %f, %f)\n", (f64)V.X, (f64)V.Y, (f64)V.Z);
